Solution implementation.
All initial problems solved with «Warehouse accounting» and «Inventory» module. Employee in a real time mode achieve information about equipment. All warehouse operations are fixed in a system, due to this employees see all movement history for all warehouses and industrial sites.
As far as project developed, «Drill pipes life lenth control» module was involved. With its setting up, accounting system became integral, customer has clear view of equipments condition at the drill site any time.
As a result:
- Time spent on warehouse operations reduced in two times.
Operations runs faster due to operative data processing. Decommissioning of the equipment from warehouse to drillsite explotation takes a minutes.
- 0 (zero) of «lost» items.
If the equipment did not arrived to the object or due to mistake it was mixed up, with RFID reading even inexperienced employee will define losses or incorrectly sent equipment.
- Under-steam period reduction and increasement of equipments life lenth.
Equipment repair management and control of its graphic implementation. Due to this equipment produce its resourses fully.
- Drill pipes life lenth control.
Customer has clear view of equipment condition at the drillsite any time.