To the partners

Invite to co-operation and suggest to become a partner of development of Go-RFID system

We are intrested in growth of partner net so we suggest to our partners the best conditions of co-operation and support.

We are not indifferent to our future partner reputation, we are ready to co-operate with competant, reliable and captivated by work companies.

Together we would be able to assist costumers production activity efficiency more properly.

Create global net of the partners by integration of modern technologies of identification and automation of production, technologic and business processes.

  We offer:

  • Profitable conditions of the partnership.
  • Profitable conditions of hardware nad software supplies.
  • Participation in profitable projects.
  • Official partner and representer status of RFID.
  • Information and advertising support.
  • Access to products beta-versions.
  • Coaching, help and assist in performing of meetings and presentations at the first stage.

  How to become a partner?

  1. Pass the registration having filled the form bellow.
  2. Then we will contact you to specify information, tell more about partnership capabilities and suggest nigotiating the contract.

Become a partner

Submiting button “Send a request”, you confirm the privacy policy of the company.