Inventory of main assets and e-passport of the assets
Warehouse accounting and assets tracking control
Service and history of plant maintenance
Web-service for fast search, non-contact identification, e-certification, accounting and control of an industrial facilitys lifecycle.
Until inventory is not performed instances do not participate in other operations. There is data and time of inventory, number of incoming document for a current data with addition of comments. Status of the object and his activity is depicted by color indicator.
During acceptance is pointed out name of sender and recipient organisations, date and time of operation creation, number of an incoming document, input of the comments. If date and time are not mentioned, after saving system assign them current ones and also a unique number of a new warehouse operation.
At completion, each name will change the number and it will be possible to edit the parameters of the components added to the list. If necessary, deleted objects can be added again with the function of editing their data.
During the operation, link of instances and warehouse is deleting and each item from the list of current process is changing quantity. Also the name of the warehouse, date and time of the writing-off and its purpose is pointed out. If necessery, the comment is added. If date and time are not mentioned system will assign the current ones.
Current balances are shown as a rate of items and positions number at availible warehouses. Defines the load level as a percentage of total positions amount. There is a capability of reading the history of the last activities on availible warehouses book, where is pointed out: type, number, ststus, date and time of operation creation or fulfilling of its stage, name of sender and recipient of the item.
An important issue is: assets are accepted by the receiver via stage of transfering and may be shipped and accepted by the users having separate access to the warehouse-sender or warehouse-recepient. This is achieved by moving of tagged items via current control points.
In a software complex you may add new accounting pattern, look thrue and change information about it, having chosen for forming required parameters of the accounting items. All measurements are configured according to the parameters of belonging of the object to the current person. Characterizing the physical properties of an instance class or nomenclature, are assigned by the user at their discretion to enter additional information. Also are set liberties for overviewing of separated users or groups. Accountings are creating automatically according to the schedule, or by hands for a current period of time. For convenience are used filters and context search. Availible formats of file forming are .xlsx and .pdf.
Maintenance requirement cards which contains required information and restrictments of condition of the instances for repaire and inspection. System parameters and status is assigned.
Technological places allows to plan industrial processes, collecting and accounting of all costs including maintenance plant. Connected with item, production site or housing site.
Information about used spare details and authority of the equipment. This way presence of the spare parts is controlled and if necessery, claim for repair is pinned. Also species and causes of the deffects are pointed out. All of the defects may be devided into types according to the conditions and characteristic of exploitation. The most important is a control of a lifecycle and tracking of the repair history of the equipment, fast and intuitive search will make it easier.
Authenticity of information and data protection from falsification
Mistakes of manual input and human factor influence
100% current and up-to-date information.
Automated input of inventory number
Operative inventory with minimum costs
High labor intensity, that influenced production cycle and working process
United control of production process withuot hold-up of the enterprise
Protection from losts and embezzlement
Possible cases of embezzlement and carring the equipment out of the enterprise territory
Acceptance accounting, clearing for operation, shipping and coming back to the warehouse, providing repair, writing-off and objects operation history
Real-time accounting online
Unreliable presence, regrading and date of perfoming information
Forming inventory accountings with latest and current data
Fully use of equipments lifetime
In order to maintenance checkup writing-off an equipment which is not used fully its lifetime
Effective equipment exploitation, cost-cutting, increase of floating assets
Wear factor control and certification of technological parameter
Diagnostics and definition of factors of equipments working capacity without parameters of elements condition
Cost optimisation for equipment keeping, control at each stage of maintenance and repair during all lifecycle
Our task is — to configure and implement identification system so that prosess of item’s data collection became easier and clearer and accounting became real time source of data helpfull for strategical decisions.
Developed for govermental and big-scaled companies with complex organisation structure and high security level demands.
Go-RFID software sets at costumer’s server in place or integrates to accounting system.
For companies of small and middle scale. Data exchange runs at leased servers provided by us with transfer protocol protection
Go-RFID Server license purchasing monthly depending on reserved volume of data for each user individually.
Specifies during project discussion
Standart set of RFID equipment for accepting, reading and processing of the signal from the tag.
Working out of the concept and designing of a future RFID system, definition of necessity of integration with other software and also adaptation for current problem.
Shipping and assembling of the equipment, pre-commissioning activities, configuration and launching of the system to the exploitation are included in the package.
Company provides resident training of a group or via Go-Learn complex. If necessery – remote consultations at the working places, including technical support.