
License agreement

This document is an End-User license Agreement (hereinafter called as “Agreement”) being a legal agreement between you, as a person or entity (conditionally from end-user) and Limited Liability Company “Gorizonty rosta”, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, (hereinafter called as a sole rightholder).

Software is protected by current adjective law of Russian Federation and attached conformably with current Agreement and be it further that limitations and restrictions which Sole Rightholder will consider to be reasonable, but conformabled with the current legislation of Russian Federation. Loading, using software or involving software functional in other ways, you confirm that you have red and understood the current Agreement and be it further accept and agree to comply with the terms of the Agreement. To the extent you dont wont to bind yourself with the terms of the current Agreement, you should immediately discontinue omnifarious act of use and storage of the software.

  1. license.

    1. Granting rights (license). Current Sole Rightholder delegates you and you assume a non-exclusive rights (possesion and use) (limited, non-exclusive license for usage of the Software) subject to conditions, defined by current Agreement. According to the tenor of the current Agreement Software embodies any updates, upgrades, developments, releases and addenda of the Software worked out by Sole Rightholder. However, despite foresaid the Sole Rightholder is not under obligation for providing with updates, upgrades, developments, releases and addenda of the Software.
    2. Scope of regulation. You have the possibility to use only that amount of copies which you posess, dispose by the terms of non-exclusive rights delegation agreement (hereinafter called – license) or manage by any other different way. To the extent you posess several Software licenses you are able to create and use as many of Software copies as many licenses you posess. According to the tenor of the current Agreement defenition “usage” of the Software refers to loading of the Software via temporary or permanent memory of a computer. Usage or transfering of the Software to more computers then licenses you posess is not permitted. To the extent if usage or transfering of the Software to several users is in contemplation, you should insure that number of users do not oversteps the number of purchaised licenses, otherwise it will be a brench of the terms of the current Agreement.
    3. Copies and Modifications. You should not perform back engineering, decompiling, disassembling and other modifications of purchaised Software or licenses. You should not change or adapt the Software any way. You are able to make only one copy of the Software solely for the purposes of reservation or archivation. Any similar and like copies should include all declarations about law of copywrite and other rights of a property which are contained in this matherials at first perception.
    4. Rights Delegation. You are not able to delegate to the third party the sublicense, give in a rent or in a loan your rights for the Software, Documentation, granted by terms of this Agreement, without pre-transaction perception of the Sole Rightholder’s letter of consent.
  2. Intellectual property and confidentiality.

    1. Use of accountings, breach of License conditions and remedy. Rightholder keeps a right for getting of infotmation about use of delegated rights and other information having its concern to current question to insure that use of Software performs conformably with conditions of current End-User License Agreement. Exclusive Rightholder absolutely forbids simultaneous set-up of sveral copies of our software without getting previous written ratinhabition. Any non-ratinhabition use would be evaluated by Exclusive Rightholder as breach of current End-Use License Agreement conditions. Exclusive Rightholder keeps the right for getting immediate repayment in case of breach. Any blocking of data required according conditions of current Agreement is considered to be a breach of current Agreement and leads to immediate denouncement of current Agreement according to the conditions of 4-th clause in contract.
    2. Rights of property of software and trade marks. You accept that Exclusive rights for Software and its Documentation are a property of Exclusive Rightholder and be it further Exclusive Rights for Software and Documentation are protected by the law of Russian Federation about law of a copywrite and international contracts. You additionaly accept that in relationship between you and Exclusive Rightholder, Exclusive Rightholder possesses all rights, titles and interests in concern to Software and Documentation including related rights for intellectual property according to the rights of a copywrite, commercial secret, patents and trade marks. Current Agreement do not provide you with any owner interests for a sotware or Documentation but provide with limited right of use that may be denouncement conformably with conditions of current Agrement. Any and all trade marks or labels used by Exclusive Rightlohder in concern to Software or services which Exclusive Rightholder provides are the marks that held to the Exclusive Rightholder. Current Agreement do not provide you with any exclusive rights to this marks and you sholud not assert to any rights in concern to this marks, omnifarious verbal statements or desighnings, which may be familiar to this scpeice of marks.
  3. Payment of non-exclusive rights.
  4. You may use non-exclusive rights for a software after assuming one or several non-exclusive Licenses, also after accepting the terms of current Agreement you may ashieve one or several non-exclusive Licenses having purchased them conformably with a procedure set by Sole Rightholder.

  5. Currency and denouncement.
  6. Current agreement becomes valid after you accept the conditions of Agreement or after you load, get access and begin to use the Software even in case if you did not show your agreement of Agreement conditions in a clear way. Current Agreement is valid till denouncement. Without discrimination of any other rights current Agreement would be automatically denounced if you breach any of limitations and restrictions mentioned bellow. After denouncement of the Agreement according the initiative of Sole Rightholder you agree to give him back Software, Documentation and all its copies that you assumed from Sole Rightholder or to abolish all mentioned materials.

  7. Repayment.
  8. You should at your own expense provide compensation and protect Sole Rightholder from any claims, legal prosecution, liability, losses, legal actions, rights delegation, expenses and costs, including reasonable cost of lawyer (named as «Complaines»), appears as a result of Software usege by you or any related to you party and by persons operating according to your agreement in cases that are not clearly allowed according to the current Agreement conditions.

  9. Limit of liability.
  10. In any cases Sole Rightholder do not liable to you or any related party for any conformable, accident, indirect, factual losses or lose of profit without reservation clause.

  11. General terms.

    1. Proper law and court electivity. Current Agreement is under action and shell be interpreted conformably with law of Russian Federation not depending on terms of private international law. Omnifarious claims and disagreements appeared in concern to Current Agreement must be solved in the Court of Arbitration of Saint-Petersburd and Leningrad Oblast.
    2. Amends. Sole Rightholder keeps right of insert amends in current Agreement exclusively and at own discretion. If between current Agreement ant the latest modification of current Agreement appear contraventions dominant force the latest one possesses. If you do not accept the additionals inserted in current Agreement action of current License is immediately denounced.